Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 10 - 12 Years

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Creative Form Drawing with Children: Workbook 2 is a form-drawing resource for teachers working with ages 10 to 12. It is designed to be used with the Waldorf curriculum of classes four and six. It will be valuable, as well, for home-educating parents using the Waldorf approach as their core basis.

Both volumes 1 and 2 include sections on the purposes of form drawing, how to use form drawing to counteract negative screen-effects, and the origins and development of creative form drawing. This is an informative and easy-to-use resource for anyone wishing to use this valuable developmental tool with children.

Contents of Workbook 2:
Introduction; Using this book; Teaching methods; The adolescent child and art; Part One, Class Four; Part Two, Class Five; Quotations from lectures by Rudolf Steiner; References and recommended reading; Acknowledgements

Softbound; 96 pages

8-1/2 x 11 inches

Author: Angela Lord